
Painted Girl: A Short Story

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Sarah pulled down the visor mirror and peeked at Painted Girl in the backseat. Painted Girl stared gloomily at the landscape passing them by. Sarah could only guess at her thoughts. She is probably worried that Grandfather will pitch a fit when he learns about their change in arrangements. Sarah sighed. Painted Girl was a miniature version of Grandfather. Family, heritage, honor above all else. Sarah did not want traditions hindering her life, but she knew deep down that they were important to her family. Her father, however, never had time to teach her about life as a Native American before he died. She had grown up in an Anglo world; far from any reservations; only Grandfather and his community center connected her to her heritage.
Sarah ended her musing as they arrived at La Rosa’s new housing development. It sat in a gated community with homes doted closely on small barren …show more content…

“He’s so focused on finding his Indian and on you that nothing else matters.”
Painted Girl’s expression shattered for a second. Sarah didn’t care for that look and quickly changed the subject.
“Take your time, Vi,” Sarah said using the Kiowa word for sister or an endearment between friends. She flipped her hair around, her long highlighted hair swirled around her as she smiled over at John. Her demeanor melting from anger to seducer in quick succession; flowing through her, sinking away. Sashaying away, Sarah grabbed John’s arm and whispered into his ear while walking her fingers up his arm. “I’m anxious to hear about your workout program, John. Your body looks so strong and… fit.” Sarah lowered her voice further, gently running her hand down his side, “I’ll bet you have lots of… stamina.”
The doorbell rang and John walked away from Sarah grinning. He grabbed Painted Girl’s arm and dragged lead her to the door. Quickly he opened the door but he faltered when he gazed at its

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