
Othello Essay : Prove Iago : The Perfect Villain

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Othello Essay: Prove Iago is the Perfect Villain
Throughout the play, Othello, Iago often showed how evil and relentless he certainly is and how he does not care about the characters that interfere with his plan. First, Iago showed how great a villain he is, by how he manipulates almost every character to keep forwarding his plan to ruin Othello. Secondly, he is motivated to get revenge on Othello, which keeps his entire plan in motion. Lastly Iago enjoys ruining people’s lives, in other words he is a masterful planner. Throughout the play, he destroys many characters’ lives. To conclude Iago is one of Shakespeare’s most perfect and successful villains because he exhibits traits that every successful villain has and needs.
Firstly, Iago showed how he was the perfect villain with his ability to manipulate characters throughout the play. By manipulating other characters Iago can forward his plan of ruining Othello without other characters becoming suspicious. One character that Iago often manipulates is his friend Roderigo, this one character is the one that mainly does all the hard work of Iago. This quote: “Desdemona should continue her love to the Moor-put/money in thy purse-nor he his to her. It was a violent commencement in her, and thou shalt see an/answerable sequestration-put but money in thy purse. (1.3 334-338) convinced Roderigo to not kill himself and to continue to believe in Iago’s plan of making Desdemona to stop loving the Moor. Roderigo is in love and this is one reason why he is unable to realize that he is manipulated by Iago. Also, Iago manipulates Cassio to go talk to Desdemona, but Cassio is totally oblivious that he plans to use this to the Moor with jealousy. The quote: “I’ll send her to you presently; /and I’ll devise a means to draw the Moor/out of the way, that your converse and business/May be more free. (3.3 37-40) convinced Cassio to talk to Desdemona, which consequently shaped Othello to be even more jealous than before.
Secondly, Iago is Shakespeare’s perfect villain as a result of his motivation to ruin Othello and Cassio. Every villain should have traits similar to this for reasons; it keeps the villain interested on the target, and the villain has reasons to why he

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