
Oppression And Poverty In A Piece Of Streak By Jack London

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In the short story, “A Piece of Streak” by Jack London, the ideation of oppression and poverty by displayed the protagonist’, Tom King, he is a retired fighter, that struggles with his current situation. The sense of struggle and sadness is developed through the reoccurring themes of oppression and poverty, symbolism of the tobacco-less pipe and the dull and lifeless tone created through diction and literary devices. The theme of oppression is one of the main concepts that is explored by his failure to provide the basics of life, including: food, proper clothes, and a reliable income. Without these basic needs of life, a family in society would be considered improvised. The reader learns that the King family struggles to provide food for the children. The narrator states that, “the two children in the other room had been sent early to bed in order that in sleep they might forget they had gone supperless” (London 1). The inability to provide a meal for his children and wife is a clear example of poverty. In connection, the only food they are able to purchase is considered “lower class” food. The narrator mentions that Tom’s dinner consisted of. “flour [that have been borrowed from the neighbour] for the gravy. The last two ha’pennies had gone to buy bread” (1). As mentioned before, bread and low quality gravy is a “lower class” meal and is inexpensive. However, the family is still unable to provide food for dinner, one of the basics of life. Another component that is mentioned by the narrator that reflects oppression and poverty is the fact that they do not have proper and purposeful clothing. Within the character description, it is stated that Tom’s appearance consists of “a cotton shirt, a cheap, two shilling affair, showed a frayed collar” (1). Due to lack of financial security, they are unable to provide better clothes. The theme of oppression and poverty is an significant to develop the plot and create images throughout the text. The symbolism of the pipe is a significant to the theme of oppression and poverty, while developing the protagonist. The pipe represents what he used to have, which is now gone. In his youthful years, Tom was a successful fighter. However, as he aged, he became unable to continue

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