
Online Classes Analysis

Decent Essays

This is my first time taking online classes, also the first time I have been back to school in six years. When I was in high school I did have the option to take online classes, but declined to do so. I enjoyed being in a classroom with my teachers and peers. I didn’t have the responsibilities that I have today. Now that I am older and have my own family, so I am typically busy all the time. Even though I am only in the second week of my online classes, I have found that I enjoy them much more than sitting in a classroom. The classes are convenient for me to take mostly because I can go at my own pace. I get to spend more time on topics that I have a hard time comprehending, rather than topics I already know about. I am always on the go, it’s …show more content…

Having a degree is in demand with today's employers, this causes more and more people each year to go back to school. Better paying jobs require degrees, it’s as simple as that. In this modern day everyone is typically on the go, these easily accessible classes go anywhere you do. All you need is a computer and the internet. Even from my smartphone I can participate in the discussion forums or even turn in assignments. This is something I didn’t even know was possible. If you find yourself having difficulties on a subject, you don’t have to meet with a tutor face to face. You can do it all from your computer or smartphone anywhere you are. New technology is being developed everyday, and after doing some research I have found something interesting. Some teachers are starting to use artificial intelligence such as a “virtual teaching assistant”. Students have said that they did not know they were even talking with a computer. Along with that the process of making artificial intelligence learning companions is said to be promising in the future ( In my honest opinion I do not think that teachers could ever be replaced by artificial intelligence any time soon, although in the future it could

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