
Omniscient Narrator

Decent Essays

It is a 3rd person narrator, which means that the narrator describes the story’s people as he or she. It is an omniscient 3rd person narrator as you can see when the narrator says “She passed on her way, thinking: He’s in love.” This quotation illustrates why it is an omniscient narrator, because it highlights that the narrator knows a person’s feelings and thoughts. The fact that it is an omniscient narrator gives the reader the ability to realize that the main character has a spilt personality. The narrator describes how peo-ple look at the main character’s facade, but when you can see his thoughts you know how he really is. The narrator is all things considered a very describing narrator as you can see when he uses the entire first page on just describing how lovely New York is. The narrator is trustworthy because he knows anything and he narrates the story with a neutral point of view. It makes him more reliable because he just wants to narrate a story.
As a result this gives us the capacity to understand and relate to the characters. It pro-vides us the knowledge about the characters that we else would have missed. So saying it makes it easier for us to understand the story.

2) Setting …show more content…

These circum-stantial surroundings make the reader comprehend that something bad is about to hap-pen because everything seem a little too perfect. The setting description matches the social setting, which illustrates characters through dialogues and dress code. This social setting is obvious during the main character’s conversation with the flower vendor. The language is simple and normal because the narrator is building up a tension. It is also noticeably in the text where the setting changes. The atmosphere varies from the bright, idyllic, spring feeling to a gloomy and comfortless atmosphere. And as the weather turns darker, so does the young

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