
Oedipus Self Identity Analysis

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The implications of self-identity are far ranging. The light we view ourselves in determines the very basics of who we think we are, and what action we think we should take to fulfill our identity; to make it flourish. Men build these identities on many different foundations. For one man might say he builds it on the goodness of his heart, another on his career. Yet every foundation, save that of Jesus Christ, has the tendency to crumble and fall apart beneath us. When the good man realizes he has sinned; when the career of an old man fades away, their identities are no more. Oedipus, the mighty king of Thebes, is such a man. In Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, Oedipus lacked the unshakable identity that can only be found in Christ, and …show more content…

The University of Denver published manual in 2012, categorizing how college students view themselves into twelve areas. These twelve can be simplified into two basic groups: The performance of an individual (Intellectually, athletically, occupationally, or otherwise), and their relationships with others. Of these two groups, the latter has been more definitive in our society today because media influences have put even greater stress on those who build their identity on relationships. USA Today conducted a survey in 2014, revealing that almost all the college students they interviewed have had a fear of being left out that has been generated by social media. Because they have let these relationships define them, they are constantly placed in a state of potential identity crisis. A relational problem with a group of friends or a partner could lead to a serious breakdown of how that individual views themselves. Though not as prevalent, the second group of characteristics based on performance can have an equally severe impact if it is used to build an identity. Any number of events such as a loss of job, physical injury, academic failure, failure to reach a goal, and old age can all tear that identity down. As we age, our mind and body both deteriorate, and with this change can come a host of physical and mental shortcomings. As the young adults of our nation construct their self-identity on performance, they also build it on their frail bodies which at some point will

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