
Observing How The Enzyme Catalase Of Chicken And Beef Livers Breaks Down Hydrogen Peroxide At Varying Ph Levels

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Siddharth Suman
7th Period Honors Biology; Bearden
Observing how the enzyme catalase found in chicken and beef livers breaks down hydrogen peroxide at varying pH levels and temperatures.

The chemical hydrogen peroxide(H₂O₂) is broken down by the enzyme catalase. Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct formed in cellular reactions that, if not broken down, could inflict severe damage to the cell. Catalase is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide in to water and oxygen. How efficient and strong the enzymes reaction to break down H₂O₂ determines largely on temperature and pH level. An enzyme only functions within a set pH and temperature range. Beyond that it becomes denatured, rendering it useless. The purpose of this lab is to determine at which temperature and pH level the enzyme catalase reacts best. Catalase in chicken and beef livers will be used to do the lab because enzymes still function after death as long as they are kept refrigerated at a low temperature.

If the pH level is too acidic or too basic, then the reactivity and reaction rate of which the enzyme catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide will decrease.

If the temperature is too hot or too cold, then the reactivity and reaction rate of which the enzyme catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide will decrease.

Materials: 5 pipettes 8 test tubes Test tube rack 28mL H₂O₂
8mL HCl
25mL H2O
8mL NaOH
14mL liver puree graduated cylinder
Ice Bath
Hot plate
1 large beaker

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