
Nt1310 Risk Management System

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3.1 Objectives of Research
Following are the various research objectives
1. To study and analyze various security vulnerabilities of vehicular adhoc networks
2. To propose technique for detection of malicious node in the network which are responsible to trigger grayhole attack in the network
3. The proposed technique is based on mutual authentication using technique of traffic monitoring algorithm in networks
4. To implement proposed and existing schemes and compared in terms of throughput, delay and packetloss

3.2 Research Methodology
This work is based on to detect the malicious nodes from the network which are responsible to trigger grayhole attack in the network. The grayhole is the distributed denial of service attack in which …show more content…

In the first step, the network is deployed with the finite number of vehicle nodes. The fixed bandwidth is allocated to each vehicle node in the network
2. The road side units start analyzing the bandwidth consumption of each vehicle node and node which is using the bandwidth above allocated value will be the malicious nodes
3. In the third step, the road side units check the type of packets which node is sending which is using the bandwidth above the allocated value. When the node is sending the data packets to the victim node, it may be the malicious node
4. In the last step, the nodes which is sending the rouge data packets , if that node will receive control packets from any node then that node will be detected as the malicious node which is responsible to trigger grayhole attack.
3.3 Threshold based Algorithm
• Input : Number of vehicle nodes
• Output : Detection of malicious
1. Assign bandwidth the data rate to each node in the network
2. The source node start sending data to destination node
3. if (bandwidth consumption >threshold )
4. check channel on which data rate is higher than threshold
5. check the node which is sending data packets on the node
6. If (node ==detected)
7. check the node which is sending control

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