
Needs In The Necklace, And The Thrill The Chase

Decent Essays

There are many differences between wants and needs. Something you want may be a new article of clothing or a new electronic device, something you need may be food or shelter. In the stories we read, “Civil Peace”, “The Necklace”, and “The Thrill of the Chase”, there were many examples of wants V.S. needs. Throughout the stories, wants vs needs its one of the main topics, or points, that was shown.
The most obvious example in “The Necklace” is the entire story, she (the main character) is poor, but she thrives to be high class. She asks her husband for money for a dress when she already had one, but she didn’t know it was being saved up for something that was needed, but she used it for a want. “That was exactly the amount he had put aside

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