
NAEYC Statement On Developmental Practice

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The NAEYC statement on developmental practice indicates change and continuity and change in the early childhood education field is vital due to the fact that their main commitment is excellence and equity. Nevertheless, all new knowledge gained over time has been advanced and increased. This means that with understanding, it has allowed us to revise and refine ideas for promoting children's development and learning. With developmentally appropriate practice, meeting and enabling the children are required. This means that teachers should get to know them well and push them to reach goals that may be a challenge but are achievable for them. All teaching practices should be suitable to children and their level for development, adjusted for them, …show more content…

This comes early on in life and staying with them all throughout their years in school, and has consequences for them. With this happening, a goal for all teachers should reduce the gaps for early childhood educators. If children have not had the chance for a proper education early on, the programs may need to offer extensive learning experiences outside of the program. Other things such as parent engagement, health services, and mental health also help.
All areas of the child's development and learning are affected such as the social factors affecting cognitive development and academic abilities. As cognitive domain influences social domain, teachers must combine learning and development with emotional and physical domains. A developmentally appropriate curriculum is effectively based on what is known interrelationships and sequences of ideas. Teachers effectively must note and report every detail, maintain expectations no matter how challenging the environment is, achieve goals and have the framework for each child be the right amount and

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