
My Teaching Philosophy

Decent Essays

I have always enjoyed working with children and making a positive difference in their lives. Growing up I always considered that teaching would be the right career path for me. Throughout my schooling my teachers fostered a desire within me to learn and challenge myself, which has inspired me to share these traits with others.
I believe a career in teaching will be very rewarding, fulfilling and humbling. Teaching will give me an opportunity to share my knowledge, experiences and make a difference in the lives of children. Seeing the incredible impact teachers make on students as they learn and grow has inspired me to do the same. I am very passionate about educating and giving children the best start to life. I believe that making school an exciting and interesting place will not only make children feel good about school and learning, but it will also increase their work ethic and academic results. As a teacher you foster creativity, develop character and provide students with the necessary skills for life. But teachers do more than just educate children, their impact extends beyond the classroom. You are a confidant, mentor and role model. I want to inspire and help students develop into the best person they can be both inside and outside of the classroom.
Being a good teacher to me means motivating students to reach their potential. Good teachers reach to their students at different intellectual, social and cultural levels. They are enthusiastic and have

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