
My Philosophy Of My Teaching Experience

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My teaching experience has showed me a lot not only about the field of teaching but also myself. It has helped me reflect on my current status as a teacher along with my future status as a teacher. As my teaching experience has showed me is that my strengths as a teacher is patience, planning and organization. This has helped me manage all the struggles that a new teacher faces. Getting accustomed to fellow colleagues, administration, schedules, school paperwork, etc. I know I had struggles but thanks to a fellow teacher I was able to ask him what things meant and understand how to properly do them. My strengths not only helped me get through the daily grind but also my classes. Working in an elementary school is a first and a surprise. I always saw myself in middle or high school. It has been a blessing in disguise because I able to use my strengths of patience, planning and organization to provide meaningful and insightful lessons. I can see how much they appreciate what I do by the letter and drawings they give me. It reaffirms that what I am doing is making a difference.
Even though I feel my lessons are doing a good job I think they can do better. As I mentioned, I saw myself in middle or high school and it has caused me to struggle a little bit with creativity and discipline the most. I try to make my lessons as lively and visual as I can but there always seems to be something missing to take it over the top. Some activities I tend to rely on drill like formations

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