
My Hero's Journey-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

While she lie staring at the cosmos painted on her ceiling, she remembered her question about the crime scene. Just her luck; she had left her things downstairs. There was not an ounce of willpower to persuade her to move. A groan of a new caliber of grief left her throat. She’d found herself rather comfortable in her current position, and the idea of moving was less than appealing. She knew if she moved she would never again acquire the comfort that she felt at that moment. Moments like these brought to her childhood dream of having telekinesis. While she was incapable of moving objects with her mind, she did have a brother.
“Ian!” she yelled. It was the only foreseeable answer to her dilemma. There was an entire flight of stairs between her and her belongings, so walking proved to be an obvious hazard. Imagine if she fell and broke something; she’d be out of work for months. No, it was too risky.
“Que quieres, Danny?!” Ian yelled back, demanding what she wanted.
“I left my stuff downstairs.”
“I fail to see what that has to do with me.”
“Could you bring it to me? I just got comfortable!”
“Fine!” he groaned out, making sure all of his displeasure came …show more content…

As she waited another question of hers came to mind, and she realized she had the golden opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. A Dr. Avis did not ring any bells on her mental list of physicians she had seen. Granted, the list was a bit foggy because she didn’t actually make her own appointments; either Loren or Ian scheduled these things for her. Her tendency to stay sedentary and her abhorrence for social interactions had nothing to do with this. She was just extremely forgetful. Schedules only worked if she didn’t make them. If she made them she would surely forget to write down a few dates. Her mind moved much too fast to be bothered with menial like bodily health. She only recently began eating; not only at reasonable times but regularly

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