
Minority Report Essay

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Minority Report is a 2002 film based off of many themes seen in science fiction writings. The film was written by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen and directed by the very influential and well known Hollywood director, Steven Spielberg. Tom Cruise stars as the main character, John Anderton, along with the other well-known actors/actresses Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Colin Farrell, and Tim Blake Nelson. This is a top rated film that uses different film techniques and has a well-developed plot that is portrayed with impressive directing and acting. With an outstanding mixture of suspense and action, Minority Report attracts viewers and gains their focus. Minority Report takes place in Washington D.C. in the year of 2054. It is an extremely technological …show more content…

All of the characters, Tom Cruise as John Anderton especially, do a great job displaying the events that take place throughout the film. Cruise has a remarkable way of helping the film viewers see his emotions. Through his acting, you can sense the emotions that his character is feeling without it having to actually be said. This type of emotional and physical acting from Cruise is exceptional after Anderton witnesses himself murdering a stranger in the vision. The viewer can tell from that moment the confusion and terror Anderton is feeling. Cruise’s acting throughout Minority Report is easy for the viewers to connect to, making it a more interesting film to watch. Another job well done in the acting aspect of this film is by Samantha Morton who plays the role of Agatha. Morton successfully helps the viewer connect with her character in an emotional aspect. When watching the film, it is easy to sense Agatha’s vulnerability and take her as an innocent and fearful character, as she is haunted by the many things she has seen. This characterization of Agatha is easily seen when Anderton takes her out into public and she clings to him, as if she is a child. The acting of Samantha Morton helps the viewer sense Agatha’s terror and vulnerability throughout the film. The acting of these two main characters, along with the others is exceptional and does a successful job at connecting the viewers to the characters of Minority

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