
Media Rationale And Publicity Essay

Decent Essays

Media Rationale and Publicity As previously stated, the promotion should utilize print and possibly television advertising, e-marketing, sales-generating promos, direct marketing, and public relations outreach. Each of these elements must be tweaked to target the younger segment of consumers in order to spur sales in the short term and form brand loyalty/habits in the segment for later. The second goal is in fact more important, since the generation will ultimately age and take on more decision-making capacities for properties in the future. Each element of the promotional mix can help to achieve this goal. Print and television advertising are conventional approaches with huge reach. They will contact large audiences, and will generate broad public awareness of the message, which is that winter is approaching and as temperatures drop pests will come indoors. To preserve a safe and clean home, our services are necessary. This message simultaneously creates a need and justifies the value of our service. The images of print ads and possible television ads should be executed with the maximum level of creativity. The grizzly details of pests are less important than the association of Truly Nolen with absence of disgusting pests. If this can be achieved, creativity can be relatively unchained in our adds, an approach which will free us to engage younger consumers with cultural references, trends, and symbols meaningful to them. As far as television goes, cost must be

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