
Maynard Daly: The Impact Of Cigarette Smoking On The Lungs

Satisfactory Essays

Marie Maynard Daly was born on April 16,1921 she was the first black african american women to earn a PHD in chemistry.Marie Maynard was was raised and born in corona queens.she lived at a home to save money, majored in chemistry,and graduated from queens magna cum laude with her bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1942.

Marie Maynard Daly was born on april 16, 1921,she the first black african american women to earn a PHD in chemistry, her work LED to a new understanding of how diet affects the health of the circulatory system. She discovered the impact of cigarette smoking on the lungs.In 1988 she established for african american chemistry and physics major at queens college in memory of her father. She completed her masters in

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