
Martha Graham Research Paper

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Martha Graham Martha Graham was born on May 11, 1894 in Allegheny (now Pittsburgh), Pennsylvania. She was 1 of the 3 daughters her parents, George and Jane Graham, had. Influenced by her father, he was a doctor that used physical moving to fix nervous disorders. He believed that the body could express its inner senses. Martha became interested in dance after seeing Ruth St. Denis perform in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, her parents did not approve her wishes to study dance and because of this, Martha enrolled in the Cumnock School. After her father died in 1914, Martha finished college and began to study dance at Denishawn in Los Angeles. Here, she toured with the man that ran this school, Ted Shawn, and his company in a production based on an Indian legend. About 10 years later, Martha left the company to do solo dances for a company called the Greenwich Village Follies. She had her first independent concert in New York City during 1926. She performed 18 different dances with her and 3 other women. …show more content…

Graham used teaching methods such as bare feet, floor exercises to strengthen back and legs, standing balances, falls, side extensions, and walks, runs, skips and leaps across floor in diagonal. This was taught as early as 1927. "Contraction and release" principle was in Graham's teachings in late 1920s. Martha "protested" against "feminine" movements in dance. She inspired other dancers to be creative with movements in their choreography. In the late 1930s, male dancers started coming to the Graham Company such as Erick Hawkins and Merce Cunningham. Erick Hawkins was the first man to join her company. Cunningham's naturally high jumps became known in the classroom as "March Jumps". Erick and Martha got married in July of 1948. By 1950s, Graham and her company were at their highest level of performance. Erick Hawkins left the company in 1951 and was divorced from Martha in

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