
Martha Graham Influence On Dance

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Martha Graham (May 11, 1894 – April 1, 1991) was an American modern dancer and choreographer who has had a huge influence on dance and the influence has been compared to Picasso’s on art. She is also recognized as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century and has inspired many generations of famous choreographers and dancers including Merce Cunningham, Paul Taylor, and Twyla Tharp,
In the mid-1910s, she began her studies at the Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts, and she continued dancing there until 1923. Afterwards, in 1926, her own dance centre was established called the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance and later on in that year she progressed to debut her first independent show, consisting of eighteen short solos and trios that she had choreographed.
Graham has unusually loose hips which mean t that she could move into normally difficult and …show more content…

She has a major interest in the expressive capacity of our bodies and called them “expressive instruments”. She said that the contraction idea was developed from looking at the physical effects of grief and great sadness (especially from childbirth) from the body and it makes her dances very expressive. Since her creation of the move it has become a key aspect of modern dance and it has been used and developed by many subsequent choreographers. Graham’s contraction starts from the pelvis and is the lengthening of the space between each vertebra all the way from here to through to the neck and head. Each contraction is paired with the exhaling of breath. The release is the opposite of contraction and so occurs on the inhaling of a breath and begins from the pelvis and travels up the spine to return the upper body to a straight position. There is also something called a high release which is the opening further of the upper body so that it is facing the sky (without breaking the lower back) with the head in

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