
Marketing Objectives Of A Marketing

Good Essays

4.Strategic Recommendations

Marketing Objectives
Become the leading brand at flower marketing in Bradford by 2022
Increase sales of special days by 30% by 2022 ( Valentine 's day )
Make online website by 2018, and expand to other social media ( Twitter )
Increase followers at Facebook to 2500 by December 2022

Marketing Controls
Collect and analyze customers ' feedback monthly to meet the general needs of the customer.
Gather customer data to analyze customer type and adjust target customer profile.
Collect monthly sales data to analyze shop operation and adjust the budget for communication campaign.
Evaluate monthly turnover and profit to monitor the total cost of the campaign.
Arrange focus group during the first month of the campaign …show more content…

(Council, 2017)

Therefore, main customer profile should be as following:

Customer Profile
20-50 years old
Men and women
Income level
Middle incomes class
Other (B2B)
Marriage Companies & Funeral Companies

Marketing Strategy

Although the amount of money UK people spending on flower and plant is increasing, only £28 has been spent on flowers per person per year. It follows that most people are not willing to spend loads of money on buying flowers. According to the finance situation of Bradford citizens whose incomes are lower compared to the Britain average one, the core strategy for the shop to follow should be the cost focus strategy of Porter 's Generic Strategies. With reality, the M&S in Broadway brings new threats to the business. The M&S 's fresh and high-quality bouquets may catch our loyalty customers attention. But as the cost focus strategy provides a greater margin for profit, the price would be much lower comparing with other stores selling flowers such as Sainsbury 's, Tesco and M&S. The price advantage we got could attract more customers. In reaching our expected target market of customers aged of 20-50, we will choose five marketing communication mix methods: Personal selling, Direct marketing, Merchandising, Sales promotion and Non-traditional media.

Marketing Communication Mix Decision

Personal Selling
In order to adjust the business appropriately, it is

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