
Marketing Case Study Of Waitrose

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Question 1
Manras (Brand and its Importance, 2011) defines brand as a sign, symbol, name, term or design or a mixture of them, which is designed to recognize the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from the competitors. Do not stop at tangible aspects, a brand also implies emotional one, such as personality, value, attitude and a story behind the brand. Customer’s perception about the particular product is defined as a brand image. In recent days, building a strong brand has been proved to bring financial rewards to organization and becomes a top priority. It is regarded as hard core of any products and services, from small fruit juice shop to multinational organizations. The food manufacturing companies …show more content…

According to Kotler, Adam, Brown & Armstrong (Kotler et al., 2006), the increasing use of market segmentation, market targeting and product specialization has resulted in a greater need for stores that focus on specific products and segments. Therefore, it is reasonable for Waitrose open a chain of retail stores selling Indian regional meals to differentiate with current product that they are doing business. To create the most convenience to customers, the company should put the product in supermarket or near public places such as universities, officers, hospitals, etc. where contain a significant number of consumers. Waitrose can distribute the meals to grocery stores as well so that the brand is expanded to broader geographical areas.
With the fast development of online shopping and online marketing, Waitrose should make use of social network to diversify selling channel where customers are able to order the meal quickly and …show more content…

According to Michael Porter’s concept about value chain, “activities within the business companies add value to the product and service that the business organization or companies produces”. The idea of the value chain is based on the process view of organization, the idea of seeing a manufacturing firm as a system, made up of subsystems each with inputs transformation process and output. Inputs, transformation processes, and outputs involve the acquisition and consumption of resources – money, labour, materials, equipment, buildings, land, administration and

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