
Marketing Analysis : The Two Marketing Techniques Essay

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This essay will look at the two marketing techniques an organisation can follow these include; marketing orientation, which would mean that companies focus is on their consumers and the activity in the market, they will look at what the currents demands are and focus their product/service around this, most companies which provide a service will follow this method as their business model will typically be around a meeting a customer’s needs to generate business and new leads via marketing that meets the wants of what the consumers are looking for. The second method is product orientation; this is a business approach or philosophy in which whatever a company makes or supplies is the focus of the management 's attention. Companies who deliver food products may fall under product orientation as the focus may only be on creating a quality product which would then sell itself to the customers. These twp methods are aurgualbly oppositive ends of the spectrum and the focus of this report will be to take a deeper look into each of these models, highlighting th advantages and disadavatages of both, also looking at what steps a business will take to ajust their orientation.

Both methods have positives and negatives, and one will fit into a business model more than the other. Neither of these method is right or wrong, the key is to making sure a company is maximising their sales by implanting the best fit method.

Marketing Orientation

The marketing orientation is

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