
Main Causes Of The American Revolution

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Main Causes of American Revolution
The American Revolution was a conflict between the British empire and its American colonies that spanned from 1765 to 1783. There were many events that led up to the revolution, but there was one main cause. The mistreatment of the colonies was a main cause of the American Revolution. Within the colonies there were three actions that specifically displayed the mistreatment by the British. These three actions that displayed the mistreatment and caused the American Revolution include; taxation, lack of representation, and governing. Taxation by the British was viewed as mistreatment by the colonist because the colonists were being taxed for nearly everything from tea to stamps. Lack of Representation for the colonies in British politics was also seen as mistreatment because the British were violating the rights of the colonists without their consent. Finally, no government for the colonies was a mistreatment it was all run by the king. All of these mistreatments played a key role in starting the Revolution.
Out of the three specific mistreatments, taxation played the largest role in sparking war between the colonists and the British. In a piece by the Sons of Liberty on December 15, 1773, it shows their opinion toward being taxed by writing, “It is essential to the freedom and security...that no taxes be imposed upon them but by their own consent...For “what property have they in that which another may, by right, take when he pleases

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