
Love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essay

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What is love? Is it an object? Is it a feeling? Is it even attainable? Love is everything, it is an object, it is an emotion, and it cannot be bought, stolen, given. Love can only be found. Love is discovered in the most unthinkable places during the most unimaginable times. It can never be predicted who you fall in love with or when you do but all you do know is that you are in love and you would give anything for that person, and for your love to always stay resilient through all other obstacles and distractions. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Montague’s and Capulet’s are know and expected to hate each other until the miracle of love presented its self. Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. They both fell in love when …show more content…

Once love is found, any obstacle presented will neither diminish nor terminate that love, even when tragedy strikes with the loss of a loved one. Tybalt, the cousin of Juliet is one of the Capulet’s that despises the Montague’s and he will do anything in his power to kill them all, and once he confronted Romeo, he met his fate and died by Romeo’s sword. The Prince arrived to the scene and said “Romeo slew him, he slew Mercutio” (III.i.181), him referring to Tybalt, and once realized, he banished Romeo out of the city. Once Juliet discovered the truth about Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment she said in grief “Romeo is banished- to speak that word is father, mother, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, all slain, all dead- Romeo is banished” (III.ii.122-124). Her heartache for Romeo’s banishment more than her cousin Tybalt’s death shows that he is her life, her world, and her breath, and without him she would be nothing and life as she knows is would end, even through tragedy and anguish.

Love is being willing to sacrifice everything for your everything, and giving your family, friends, and life for one person. Romeo gave everything for Juliet. He risked his family, his friends, his way of living, and his life in the pursuit of his true love. Juliet risked all that was central in influencing her to be the person she is, even

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