
Little Rock Nine Research Paper

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Did you know that without the Little Rock Nine our schools might still be segregated. The Little Rock Nine were the first black students to attend a white school. Parents and the Governor of Arkansas tried to keep the schools segregated. President Eisenhower found out of this, and sent help to the black students. With the white parents and governor against the; The Little Rock Nine affected the school system with the help of President Eisenhower. The Supreme Court planned to desegregate schools. “In September 1957, nine black teenagers hoped to break a racial wall at a school in Little Rock, Arkansas.” (Benson 1). Ernest Green, Minnijean Brown, Melba Pattillo, Terrence Roberts, Elizabeth Eckford, Thelma Mothershed, Gloria Ray, Jefferson Thomas, and Carlotta Walls were the students who became the little rock nine. (Lucas 7). Daisy Bates planned to help them get to school. (Lucas 5). “Many White Southern Parents did not want the black students to go school with white children.” (Lucas 13). All the black students were excited for the first day of school. (Lucas 12). …show more content…

(Lucas 31). Most white students didn’t pay attention to them, but others bullied them. (Lucas 32). Minnijean Brown one day lost her temper, and got expelled. On Sept. 1958 the supreme court ruled that all Little Rock public schools would be shut down that year. The Little Rock Nine received International Acclaim for their courage.Ernest Green was the first black student to graduate from Central high. Even though they broke a racial wall; the little rock nine didn’t bring immediate gains for civil rights. (Benson 2). The little rock nine affected the school systems; even with parents and the governor opposing them. The students faced many obstacles throughout the year. They stayed focused and finally accomplished their goal. If it wasn’t for the little rock nine, our schools might still be

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