
Literature Review On Stroke

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1.1. Stroke:

Stroke is a common, serious and global health care problem; it’s the third most common cause of death and first cause of adult disability (12). The rehabilitation is the major part of his care (13).
Stroke is a neurological deficit caused by an acute focal injury of the central nervous system (CNS) by a vascular cause: a cerebral infarction appears with overt symptoms or intracerebral hemorrhage with no symptoms (10%) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (5%) (14).
The motor impairment that can be regarded as a loss or limitation of function in movement or limitation in mobility and muscle contraction, is the most common and widely recognized impairment caused by stroke. The movement of face, arm, and leg of one side of the body are the structures affected by the motor impairment after stroke and affected 80% of patients. Motor …show more content…

Mirror visual feedback

1.2.1. Definition of mirror visual feedback

Sensory-motor integration is the capacity of the central nervous system to transform different sources of sensory input such as visual feedback to motor actions, it help in for the control of motor performance, skill acquisition, and the detection of motor errors (23).

Mirror visual feedback (MVF) was first introduced in 1992 by Ramachandran et al., it’s a simple non-invasive technique for the treatment of two disorders that have long been regarded as permanent and largely incurable; chronic pain of central origin (such as phantom pain) and hemiparesis following a stroke. (6). Altschuler and colleagues reported in their pilot study the effects of this treatment on "the ability of movement of patients in terms of range of motion, speed and precision," especially for patients with severe hemiparesis (24, 25).

This therapy has been used to treat phantom limb pain in amputee patients, and in stroke patients with complex regional pain syndrome type I, peripheral nerve injury, brachial plexus avulsion, and the paretic hand

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