
Literary Elements In Eating Fried Chicken, By Linh Dinh

Decent Essays

Linh Dinh a well-known Vietnamese poet whose work has been translated and read all over the world. In several works shows how lives are shaped by the interaction of politics and social classes. In the poem “Eating Fried Chicken” by Linh Dinh provides different literary elements such as symbols, comparison and concepts to help the reader understand the poem. Ambition causes individuals to turn against each other because of the need to accomplish a luxurious life.
The poem “Eating fried chicken” by Linh Dinh published in 2005 is about the author who enjoys eating fried chicken and completely forgets about the most crucial people and events in life. The authors’ ambition to eat fried chicken takes him to a different physiological level in life. Not only he wants to enjoy and stay in the moment, but it is selfish of him to be eating the fried chicken. Lastly, he writes about how the lack of everyday essentials can cause people to rebel against each other because people what more.
In “Eating Fried Chicken” the author provides symbols throughout the whole poem and gives an ordinary representation of an object. One of the symbols in the poem is the apple and the representation projected is ambition in society. For instance when the author writes “And no doubt that’s why apples can cause riots,” it is not referring to an actual fruit but something deeper. The reason why the author mentions that “apples can cause riots,” is because individuals always want to have more than everybody else. People in society are focused on what other people have and not what can be gained by each person without interfering with others. Some individuals are greedy enough that they would fight to gain what they want. The hunger of ambition overcomes the ability of a person to gain what is needed without violence. In addition the other two foods mentioned in the poem also mean the ambition to have a luxurious life. The author eating the fried chicken symbolizes more than just eating. It serves as the act to achieve something more, a strong desire. The apples, meat and chicken represent a luxurious life and the ambition people have in society.
In poetry the authors uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from what is

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