
Lincoln Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

In many people’s eyes Lincoln was sought out to be a fantastic leader. Lincoln had a vision that pertained to motivation and leadership style. Leading is all about motivation. As a leader your job as a superior highly more important than your subordinates, because if you do not do your job, they can not do theirs. Lincoln On Leadership is divided into 4 separate sections. Throughout the chapters there are numerous facts on Lincoln’s leadership style. Lincoln had vision which helped him lead by focusing on motivation and honesty.
First, Lincoln believed in communication as a form of motivation. The book starts off with a chapter named “Get out of the Office and circulate among groups.” which is ideal as a famous quote from lincoln is “With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.” Which means with opinions and communications you can achieve anything. This is a bold statement that Lincoln backed up by living by it. More than half of Lincoln’s time was occupied by meetings with people and cabinet members assuring smoothing operations. As a leader, he urged people to do as he did and keep communication circling. Building trust around the office or other workplace creates motivation. Communication builds relationships among people. “Persuade Rather Than Coerce” Lincoln believed that to be productive he should not give …show more content…

From the beginning of all of our lives we’ve known him as “Honest Abe”. Chapter 2 begins as “Honesty and Integrity are the best policies”. Lincoln honesty held up his fantastic reputation. As a leader you should not sugar coat a situation, whether it be ideas or problems. If a subordinate has an idea it is your responsibility as a leader to respect it, if the idea is not good then you must be up front in telling them. Being upfront and honest about a scenario and then discussing possible solutions was Lincoln’s leadership style and it was a notable

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