
Like a Rolling Stone: History on Rock and Roll

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The radio is turned up as high as it can go. I can hear the ripping guitar solos of Eddie Van Halen. Goose bumps are slowly riding up my back; that is the feeling of Rock ‘N’ Roll. Rock and Roll can be defined as a new wave of music, which later grew into what we call today “Rock Music.” Since the 1950s, rock and roll has changed drastically. During the 1950s, rock and roll really started to pop up in the music industry. Artists like Elvis, Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and others formed a genre called Rockabilly. Rockabilly was a mixture of Blues, Jazz, and Country. Rockabilly can also be described as blues with electric guitar. After the 50s, there was a period of rock and roll called the British Invasion. During the 60s, the most popular band during the British Invasion was the Beatles. The Beatles were such a big band because they took what the artists from Rockabilly did and made it totally different thing; a new style of rock emerged. Another term at this time during rock is Beatlemania. After Beatlemania began, bands like The Who, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Cream started to lead the music world. While these bands were ruling the world, other genres were starting to begin like progressive rock, and heavy metal. After the Vietnam War in the 70s, the people started to settle down. As a result, so did the music. Bands like Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones took the sound they had (hard rock) in the 60s and blended it with blues to create a

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