
Like Water For Chocolate Thesis

Better Essays

Like Water for Chocolate, inspiration for a new generation

Maharshi Gurjar
June 9th, 2017
Ms. Wood

Powerful as it is popular, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel has been inspiring strength in women for nearly three decades. A politician, novelist, screenwriter and a teacher, Esquivel has lived a full life of experiences. Her first book and most popular, Like Water for Chocolate followed the life of Tita de la Garza, the youngest daughter in the family thus forced to obey the law laid out by matriarch of the de la Garza clan, Mama Elena. These laws subjected Tita to become the dove in the cage, struggling to break free and live her life. Through the deft …show more content…

The only one who resisted, the only one who said the word without the proper deference was Tita, which had earned her plenty of slaps. But how perfectly she had said it this time! Mama Elena took comfort in the hope that she had finally managed to subdue her youngest daughter. “(Esquivel 13) This passage gives the reader an initial insight on the central conflict in the novel, Tita’s fight for freedom from Mama Elena’s suppression. Mama Elena is portrayed to have characteristics which resemble to that of the stereotypically domineering, abusive male figure. Tita must tread waters very carefully when she is anywhere near Mama Elena, otherwise she would be beaten for any reason. Yet as the novel progresses, Tita undergoes a change due to exposure and desire. With the introduction of Pedro (Tita’s lover who ends up marrying Tita’s sister), Tita experiences new emotions, desire and lust. Previous to meeting Pedro, Tita never felt the desire to defy Mama Elena, yet her new found love - lust - for Pedro gave her a reason to rebel. The introduction of the emotion of desire, a need sparked the flame of change in Tita. This concept of women in oppression finding something to strive for, even at a risk, gives women courage. As the age, old saying goes ‘if they can do it so can I’. By creating a relatable scenario, Esquivel hopes to show women that even if the task seems too great to overcome, they

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