
Language : A Reader For Writers Essay

Decent Essays

Many kids in school are wanting to learn a new language away from their native language but many students are wondering what language is going to help them the most in the future. English is the clear answer for these students that are wondering what new language to learn for a number of reasons. Through different articles through the book “Language: A Reader for Writers” it discusses how language is the most successful and most useful language to speak. College students who want to learn a second language, that have not learned English, should learn English because it is the most widely used language in the world and it is the most useful language to learn.
If someone is a college student in a different country and is interested in learning a new language English would help this person greatly. English is the most spoken language in the whole world. Worldwide one in every five can either speak or understand English. This would help someone who learned English be able to communicate with more people when they travel to other countries. English is also the most spoken language around the entire world, it is the official language of 53 countries and is the first language to around 400 million people around the world. In the article “’Conquer English to Make China Strong’: The Globalization of English” and in this article, the first line of the article says “No language has spread as widely as English, and it continues to spread”. This just shows how successful the English

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