
Kerry Dirk's Navigating Genre

Decent Essays

In his essay, “Navigating Genres”, Kerry Dirk describes rhetorical genres in funny layman’s terms which made me want to read more. Dirk states the obvious – that through everyday life, we are familiar with different rhetorical genres because we encounter and use them every day. We may not be conscious of it, but whenever we listen to a particular kind of song, or see a TV advertisement for a product we use, or hear a political commentator on the radio, we are being exposed to various rhetorical genres. When we see a horror flick, we are being exposed to another type. When we “post” on Facebook or Instagram, we are using a relatively new kind of genre which came about in response to the digital age. Dirk is telling us that certain locations or specific situations lend themselves to a particular genre and that we don’t have to invent a new genre every time we encounter the same situation. This makes communication easier for us and for our audience since we know what to expect in response to any given situation. I am most familiar with the thesis genre and the email or Instagram genre because I use both frequently. I write a lot of emails, mostly to friends and family, and they are usually short and to the point; ex. “See u at 9; bring book. Don’t b late.” which is an email I recently sent to my …show more content…

Advertising appeals to emotions, rather than reason. Most ads try to attract your interest or stimulate your desire by either scaring you into doing something or appeal to your emotions by tying a product to your “happiness or well-being”. Successful ads also use compelling visuals to entice the audience into action. Many also use celebrities because research shows we are more likely to associate truthfulness with a known celebrity figure.

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