
Kanye West Docibaggery Analysis

Decent Essays

Over the years rapper Kanye West has made headlines as a result of his larger than life persona just as frequently as for his impressive catalogue of music. His outrageous comments and misdeeds have earned the rapper a reputation that West seemed to embrace and further through additional comments. Now though, the rapper is making moves to change the public’s perception of him. West revealed that he is attempting to ease back on his ego and has recently gone as far as comparing the negative effects and “doucebaggery” of it to a marble table in his dining room.

The table in question is in a home that Kanye West shares with his wife and fellow celebrity Kim Kardashian and his daughter North West. The rapper went on to explain that he strongly …show more content…

“I realized that table was my ego. No matter what you put around it, under it, no matter who photographed it, the douchebaggery would always come through.” While the table is unable to be removed (it is so heavy it took a crane to place it in the house in the first place), West has realized that he can change his ego for the better.

In order to make the positive changes, West has been meeting with an anger management specialist to help him work through his anger in a more appropriate manner. The sessions were originally the result of a court case from when West assaulted a paparazzi last yet, but the rapper has realized the importance of them and is truly committing, citing his family and career as inspirational as he moves forward.

Some of Kanye West’s most critically received moments have taken place during awards shows. Two such notable moments occurred when West walked onstage to interrupt an acceptance speech from both Taylor Swift and Beck at different ceremonies; he felt that Beyonce was more deserving of the awards and went out of his way to make his opinions very clear. Since then, both Swift and Beck have forgiven the rapper. In fact, it is rumored that West will be working with Swift on a remix of her song “Bad Blood,” which may be released as the next single on her 1989

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