
Just A Normal Day In The Camps Summary

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Towards the end of his story, Elie doesn’t recognize himself anymore and is unaware of the person he has become. Elie’s changes are apparent in many ways meaning physically, emotionally, religiously. His reactions toward his father during his experiences in the camp has changed as well. Elie hasn’t seen himself in a mirror since he left the ghetto. He couldn’t recognize who was staring back at him through the mirror; he saw a frail young boy who had been put through the worst type of suffrage and torture and knew from that day on ...... he'd never forget the dark times in his life. Daily life at the camp for them was horror, never knowing when their life was coming to an end, not knowing whether or not they would get to see their loved ones …show more content…

Every day, several prisoners catch cold during the roll call and die in the following days”. In the article, “Just a Normal Day in the Camps.” In the article by Vincent Châtel , He gave us a better understanding of what being a prisoner was actually like and how they were being treated. We got to get a clearer idea of what a day to day routine of living at the camp was like, and from the sounds of it, it wasn’t pleasant at any moment. Everything was timed to the minute meaning, they had something to do at all time. They didn’t have social hour or any time to relax it was work work work period. “The evening roll call is also the moment chosen by the SS for the punishments and the hangings. Sometimes, after a hanging, all the prisoners have to march in front of the gallows to look at the hanged prisoner, as a warning.” According to the author, he told the readers that prisoners had to go through a routine of evening roll call which was a time called for punishments and hanging of the prisoners. Torturing and killings of these people could not be prevented it was just something that happened because they didn’t meet the criteria for the call or the guards just wanted to and they couldn’t be

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