
Joint Commission International, Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services ( Cms ) Essay

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• Which organization(s) accredit this facility:
Joint Commission International, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Lab is accredited by College of American Pathologist (CAP) (K.E., personal communication, 2016).

• What community outreach/activities does this facility sponsor or support:
Ladies night out, Breast Cancer; Survivor’s Day once a year; Mission Arlington, Arlington Night Shelter, Cuisine for Healing, Health Fairs with city of Arlington and senior centers (K.E., personal communication, 2016)

• What is the organization’s fiscal year?
January to December (K.E., personal communication, 2016).

• Describe the budget process and how staff members at the unit level impact the budget.
The budget process for each year begins by examining how much was spent each month. For each month, a budget is created for the following year. Staff members at the unit level impact the budget with supply usage.

• Identify who within the organization contributes to budget development. Managers and Chief Executive Officer (K.E., personal communication, 2016).

Following APA guidelines and Citing professional literature,

• Discuss three or more national and local developments OR current trends in health care & discuss how those trends influence the budget and how the organization does business.

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