
Jasper Jones Quotes Courage

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“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life” (Muhammad Ali). Muhammad Ali was a professional boxer and a sports icon in his time, so he knows something about courage. Just like in the book Jasper Jones. Jasper Jones is a book about murder, suicide, love, and a mystery that could tear Corrigan apart forever. In order to solve this mystery, Charlie Bucktin must side with Jasper Jones, the towns outlaw, and find the courage within him to save his town. In the book, many characters must display acts of courage to solve the mystery of Laura’s death. Charlie displays many of the most important acts of courage throughout the book. He puts his life on the line, stands up for himself when he knows that there will be …show more content…

“My exit from the window is a little like a foal being born. It's a graceless and gangly drop, directly onto my mother's gerbera bed”(Silvey 2). He decides to leave his house in the middle of the night to follow Jasper Jones into the woods. This is courageous because he knows that it probably isn't safe, and he knows that he might get caught, but he is helping someone out who looks really distressed. Helping someone in need despite the consequences takes courage. Right after that, he discovered that Jasper found a dead body at his camp in the woods. “It is a girl and she is in a dirty cream lace nightdress. She is pale. In the silver light I can see she bears scratches down her arms. And her calves. And her face is smudged and bruised and bloody. And she is hanging by the neck from a thick rope tied to a bough of a silver eucalyptus tree”(Silver 10). Charlie could have run away, he could have forgotten everything that he had just seen, but he didn't. Once again, he decided to help Jasper when he was needing it, and helped solve Laura’s mystery. He could have died, but he still helped Jasper. That takes real …show more content…

Well, his mom is very strict and treats Charlie unfairly. His father stays out of the conversations Charlie has with his mom, so he is no help. So Charlie went to the library to read, and his mom spazzed at him. “Before I can close the front door, my mother has slapped me. Hard and sharp. Much like Mrs. Wishart, but with considerably more venom. It stings for a long time. I touch my face, shocked”(Silver 94). She full on slapped Charlie in the face, for going to the library! Her excuse was that there is a killer on the loose, but no one knows that for sure. It's what comes after this that showed Charlie’s courage. “Go to your room! She screams. I can’t! There's a wasp in there. What? There's a wasp in there! That's why I couldn't get changed! I don't care! She yells, pointing toward the back of the house. Well, that's been patently obvious for some time! Excuse me? She leaned in, aggressive, speaking through her gritted teeth. Goddamnit! I yell. I'll go and bloody get stung”(Silver 96)! Charlie knows that his mother is treating him unfairly, and he decides to talk back to his mother, trying to defend his case. He even swears at her. He stood up for himself and left his mother stunned. She has treated him unfairly most of her life, so it was about time she got a taste of her own

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