
Japanese Culture In Korea

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In the beginning, prior to fleeing Korea, Yoko described her days at school and what she was expected to study at home too. Even though they were living in Korea, the Japanese culture and tradition of learning styles still prevailed. Attending school also means having chore duty after a long day of intense studying. The students are expected from the time of preschool to take responsibility for their own messes and to be cautious of their own behavior. Yoko mentions on her own cleaning assignment. This kind of preparation at young ages helps them form into being good citizens as out of respect, the Japanese wear face masks often to avoid infecting anyone around them. However, the war was creeping up and so the schools began to change the way they were teaching. It was unusual to what they normally learned but the teachers taught the students how to prepare for an air raid and to know which sirens meant what. According to the CultureGrams database, a reliable source of information to learn about all of the countries in the world, wrote about how the education system in Japan expects students to “try their hardest in school and take academics seriously.” Typically, school is rigorous and demanding of the student, however, now Yoko was to be worried about more life-threatening instances. Most students in Japan do have many activities to keep them working and motivated outside of school as well. Yoko and her sister Ko, like most Japanese children, were to practice their

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