
Is Personalized Marketing The Future Of Customer Product

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Is personalized marketing the future of customer product strategy to improve customer loyalty for big brands?
1. Introduction

There is no doubt that the customer is king because without customer, there is no business. Today, brand can easily attract or lose customers. With the increasing number of social platform and numbers of creating account, customers’ voices are raised among social media, web sites or forum. In fact, we can observe that, nowadays, customers don’t hesitate to question brands, to congratulate, to criticize and even to require that brand deliver them messages adapted to their profile and their interest. Particularly with
The arrival of the new generation Y (born between 1980 -1995) and the generation Z (after 1995), the brand need to continuously transform themselves and evolve to respond to the new codes and consumption of their customers.
Therefore, many companies start adopting new customer product strategy that can seduce and engage more the customer.

The first big evolution was noticed with the emergence of product personalization. Today, customers are able to personalize their coke bottle, their chocolate, their car, their sport shoes, and even their clothes…. Personalization is everywhere and product is now the reflection of the customers’ personality. It seems like personalized marketing is becoming a sine qua none condition to address today challenging and competing market places.
Is personalized marketing the future of customer

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