
Is John Proctor Cruel In The Crucible

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In 1692, an outbreak of accusations of witchcraft broke out in Salem, Massachusetts. People in the community believed that young girls in Salem were practicing and performing witchcraft. The town deemed the punishment for performing witchcraft as death. Many different tactics were used to kill men or women who were believed to be involved in witchcraft. The way these townspeople were killed was very cruel. Not only was the death cruel, but the people of the town became cruel and people of the town changed. The Crucible by Arthur Miller not only contained accusations of witchcraft, but also destroys relationships between friends and family and breaks charity. John Proctor is a respected man in the community of Salem. John loses this respect when his affair with Abigail is revealed. Although John does not regularly attend church, because he does not like Parris’s sermons, he does believe in God. John states, “‘A man may think God sleeps, but God sees everything, I …show more content…

Hale finds a “poppet”, or doll, in Elizabeth’s house. The people who find the doll believe it has something to do with witchcraft because the doll had a needle in it’s stomach and so did Abigail Williams. John is upset when Elizabeth is taken because he knew that the doll that was found was a gift from Mary Warren. John convinces the jury that Elizabeth is a good woman and would never lie. John tells his secret of the affair with Abigail and John claims that if Elizabeth is asked about it then Elizabeth will say that the affair is really did happen. When asked about the affair about her and John’s relationship she says, “‘Do what you will. But let none be your judge. There be no higher judge under Heaven than Proctor is! Forgive me, forgive me, JOhn - I never knew such goodness in the world!’” (Holt Elements of Literature, 1270). By saying this Elizabeth says that John has never had an affair and therefor John pays the consequences for his

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