
Informative Essay On Republican Parties

Decent Essays

I myself do not associate with the typical Republican Party values, however I bring myself to appreciate certain aspects of candidates. While I see plenty of comments on republican candidates, Donald Trump more often than not, it was at least an informative and interesting experience if not tolerable to see these opinions the American public has formed in action. Trump, for example, does not mince his words. While blunt truth may seem intimidating, at least he is one to speak his mind. However, his comments heavily outweigh an honorable character. One of the most offensive of details, which was brought up in a question rather than by Trump himself, was framed around him being offensive to women. There have been accounts of him calling women on twitter “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals” on the basis of looks. On top of direct insult, Trump allegedly made sexually harassing comments on twitter, too. While a few of these questions have …show more content…

While he wasn’t questioned as intensely or as often as others, Carson was not only an African American republican which called for positive publicity on the party’s behalf but a purely logical candidate. When first asked if he would really be electable due to his confusion of members of legislature and their positions, he responded with saying that a small confusion was irrelevant. I can relate, in a similar manner, for which at times I find myself getting people of scientific accomplishments mixed up. His manner was calm, cool, and logical and was further shown by his prioritization to a responsible, creative and innovative candidate. When candidates Kasich and Carson were asked about the preparation to go against Clinton, the latter had said he was prepared because whatever the outcome may be trust could be given to the voters of America to be smart and move forward with personal growth for the benefit of the

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