
Improving My Writing Skills

Decent Essays

I was a pretty good student in high school, I got respectable SAT/ACT scores and had A’s in nearly all my classes throughout my four years there. I was considered “smart” by my friends because of my academic performance and my suspected lack of effort in achieving such. Unfortunately, this success did not come as easily as many people perceived. Of course, I maintained my high marks, but it was not without its stresses and if there was one class that I consistently struggled with during high school, it would have to be English. Without fail, I can recall the anxiety and dread that would creep over me every time we were given a prompt for an essay or creative writing piece. Personally, my creative writing capabilities, along with free hand writing, have always felt sub-par, making high school …show more content…

Originally, I was fearful that college would be the same way, a constant flow of distress around essays, but I have found that it is quite structured and spells out what is expected from my papers. Accordingly, I feel that the essays I have completed for this course have allowed me to advance my skills in analyzing and communicating while demonstrating my room for improvement when it comes to personal responsibility and quantitative literacy.
Although I like to believe that my ability to analyze is prevalent in all of my writing, some observations are more insightful than others. In all but the first page of “Appealing to Your Audience” I discuss the variety of ways in how the author molds their writing in order to address the different audiences that they are attempting to reach in the most suitable manner. A couple of text examples include “Referring to the Introduction, the tone has an approachable feel it and she speaks to us casually, assuming we would respond to words like ‘poser’ and ‘selfie’…” and “the author fully embraces her academic

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