
Important Issues Facing the Profession of Nursing Today

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The Most Important Issues in the Profession of Nursing Today
In the medical fraternity, nurses make up the largest healthcare profession. The care of patients depends on the well-being of the nurses, and issues affecting them may affect patients, directly or indirectly. As a profession, nursing, can be both an extremely rewarding and challenging activity. A number of problems exist, and most are becoming worse because of lack of lack of mechanisms to address these issues. The three greatest issues affecting nursing today include improving health education, lack of respect for nurses and cost cutting. Although these problems are not clinical, they influence the efficiency of the performance of nurses in their delivery of services.
Cost cutting
Currently, nations are keen on cutting down costs, and to achieve this constant layoffs and hiring freezes are common practices. Although, this targets most professions, nursing forms the easiest target given that the profession is one of the largest budgets in the health care profession (Hendren, 2011). This creates fear among nurses and threatens their career as they have to struggle against the overwhelming wave of layoffs and job freezes. It is paramount that organizations get suppler with scheduling and staffing while coming up with innovative ways of reducing costs without compromising the quality of health care that patients get. These organizations should also adopt flexibility and change, which is a useful

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