
Importance of Water to Humans Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very

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Importance of Water to Humans
Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race.
Very recently, I watched a program on public television about freshwater. It really got me interested in thinking about how important water is to human survival. Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Without it, all living things would die, including human beings. So how important is water to humans and why?
Water a transparent and formless liquid that is one of the most important things that we have on planet Earth. Every living thing needs water to live, so it is considered to be the source of life, by many. …show more content…

Many of our medications come directly or indirectly from plants. (WHY PLANTS ARE SO IMPORTANT) Because plants are so important to our lives and they require water to live, this is more proof that water is extremely important to human beings.
The first humans lived near rivers because they were the main source of food and travel. Many fish lived in the waters. Humans used to travel and explore long distances on water. Ships traveling the waterways is still a huge part of our lives today. This is how a lot of people travel and how many products that we need and use everyday get to the stores, and eventually to us. Because water is required for so many of the things that humans do regularly, such as drinking and cleaning, without it, our lives as we know them would be impossible. (Ashley Wong)
Water covers about two thirds of the total surface of Earth, but most of that is saltwater. Humans must drink freshwater to live. 97% of the water on Earth is saltwater, while only 3% of Earth's water is freshwater. And 70% of the freshwater is ice in glaciers, ice caps and permanent snow. The small amount of freshwater remaining is distributed for use to the Earth's 6 ¾ billion people for agriculture, industry,

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