
Importance To Create An Effective Teaching And Learning Environment

Decent Essays

(2.1) Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment? We all learn in different ways, influenced by the combination of our past educational experiences, study practices and personal approach to specific tasks. This can be described as our learning style, defined as ‘particular ways of gathering, processing and storing information and experiences’ (Cuthbert, P.F., 2005). It is practical to assume that students will perform better in tasks that reflect their particular style of learning, so knowledge of students’ learning styles, including a variety of tasks will make teaching more inclusive. A learning style questionnaire could be handed out at the start of a course which, once completed will inform the teacher about the learning styles of the students. It is also important to provide an environment in which students feel safe and secure. The venue should be accessible to all, along with the toilet and refreshment areas. Compiling a lesson plan that includes adequate refreshment breaks will mean students aren’t worrying about when they can get a drink, they can concentrate on the learning process. Maslow's (1954) hierarchy of needs shows the right environment which needs to be created for a student, including issues of personal worth, social recognition, accomplishment, and self-esteem. In following Maslow’s theory when planning to teach, the most important educational goal is learning. Also important is making the newly gained knowledge and information have a purpose and meaning, so that it is retained and useful. (2.2) Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learning needs? When teaching students (following an initial student assessment) I plan various methods to ensure all students are engaged within the learning process. This can be practical involvement, paired and group work, problem solving, reflection and writing notes. During this time, I am able to continually assess the learning progress through observation, written and oral questions, completion of work books and by using peer and self- assessment. I engage the students by using various mediums, video

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