
Importance Of Sociology In Sociology

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Sociologist work with groups and statistics, they also use questions to figure out people's actions and thoughts, As a sociologist a 2 or 4 degree is required, to be curious and engaged is a primary key in being a sociologist. Working with groups and statistics is important to the job. A sociologist studies societies and behavior of a society, they examine cultures, groups, and social institutions. By studying the role of genders race, age, sociologist research and study that and make statistics about the topic, the best tool to a successful sociologist is curiosity, questions like “why do people act this way” , is a common question. Thoughtful questions with a want for knowledge, sociologist investigate and study the origin, development, development and the functioning of groups. This involves many interviews with people and putting out questionnaires, surveys, public and personal historical records. Sociology originates from the 19th century, Emile durkheim, a french sociologist supported sociological theories in the 20th century. A everyday experience a sociologists go thru is reading newspaper articles on how someone on a state's death row, the sociologist will wonder what effect the state's death penalty has on crime level. A sociologist will set up an experiment, and study people from a society, sociologist will either watch the interaction from a ways, or participate and observe. The information that is collected can be used in solving social problems. Psychologists attempt to know individual human behavior. Sociologist try to discover basic truths about groups, anthropologists study the whole society. A sociologist and criminologist and somewhat in the same career field, it is a subfield. It is the study of crime, and behavior, criminologist research the causes of crime and the laws. There are three major branches, first-is the sociology of law, the history, secondly criminologist study how people come to engage in the criminal acts. Third criminology examine how, where, and why the criminal is detaindd and how the society responds to criminals in a certain way. In high school a master's degree is recommended, statistics and surveys. Indispensable research and communication

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