
Importance Of Integrity In The Military

Decent Essays

In this essay we will be discussing the importance of integrity, and what ways it builds cohesiveness in the United States Army. Integrity is defined as, “Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.” Integrity is one of the ethical values that the army uses to stay in check and remains a key value in the army. Before we look at the importance of integrity, let us first look different definitions of integrity. The true meaning of integrity is sometimes very tricky. Acting ethically and morally will sometimes cause confusion with acting with integrity. Integrity is a virtue to always live by no matter what. It is a unique quality that defines a person’s character morally and ethically. Without …show more content…

If one individual fakes a report or document this can cause lack of trust in ones ability to complete a valuable report or document causing the mission to be a failure or worse causing some one to lose their life, because of a false or miss leading document. In the end this can lead to very negative affects among the group. This can cause the leader to not pick such individual that will cause the team to fail. It might also cause trust issues amongst the group with will ultimately cause them to fail and struggle and not have a successful relationship and fail the to meet end goals. Now let’s say some one leaves classified documents unsecured this later on lies about leaving them out to a commander. The commander then realizes that this individual is lying after he or she has found them. If the commander had not found these documents could have fallen into the enemies hands, the documents could have caused and very negative affect and used against which could cause loss of life depending on the situation. Now how can it positively affect the mission. Integrity is something gained or earned never given. One must achieve credibility by first making credible documents or reports. This will effect the mission because it can cause trust to be gained with in the group. This can cause people to trust each other to get the job done and have accurately and deadly affects against our enemies foreign and

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