
Ibn Battuta And Islam : The Rise Of Islam

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The Medieval period lasted from 500 AD to 1500 AD. With the fall and transformations of several empires Islam was conquering and increasing trade which caused its cultural interaction to spread. This caused for the Rise of Islam and an empire to occur, this came about because the key figure for the religion was Mohammed which was believed to be the last prophet, and also the way the religion unified people and communities that were at conflict with it’s monotheistic belief. At this moment in time, Islam was at its highest peak. Many mosques, libraries and schools were being built that expanded the knowledge on Islam. With the rise of Islam many Muslim political characters, cultural icons, travelers, and people of science became well known. Two of the many travelers and political characters became known which were Ibn Battuta and King Mansa Musa. Ibn Battuta was a famous Moroccan traveler who was raised in a family of scholars whom traveled thousand of miles starting at the age of twenty-one. Ibn Battuta started his journey at first with the goal of going to Mecca, and he ended up traveling over 40 countries. Mansa Musa was the first Muslim African King who ruled the empire of Mali, and is mostly known for his massive wealth that he had. Mansa Musa caused mass inflation that lasted for years, this was because Musa had made a lot of generous donations to the poor, and gave out so much gold. On his return from Mecca, Mansa Musa had hired architects and scholars that he

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