
I Too Sing America Literary Devices

Decent Essays

In “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman, and “I, Too Sing America”, by Langston Hughes both poems have multiple similarities. In “ I Hear America Singing” it’s similar to “ I, too, sing America”, because they both include the same literary devices (repetition and symbolism). In “I Hear America Singing, from stanzas 3-8, they beginning with the word ¨the¨. In ¨I Too Sing America¨, repetition is seen in the first and last stanzas where they both say ¨I am¨ and ¨America¨ The word ¨I¨ tells the reader that he is the subject of the poem and ¨too¨ means that he is apart of what he is referring too. In ¨I Hear America Singing¨ symbolism is shown from stanzas 2-7. Each stanza includes a different occupation that most people in america would have for example ¨those mechanics¨, ¨the carpenter¨, and ¨the boatman¨. Each of these occupations symbolizes each of the opportunities that white people have that many african americans do not. In I Too Sing America, symbolism is found in stanza 2 and 3 where it states ¨I am the darker brother. The send me to eat in the kitchen¨. This symbolizes slavery in a way because African Americans were slaves and they were told when to do certain actions, in this case eat. …show more content…

One quote from “ I Hear America Singing” that relates to the similarities is “ The day what belongs to the day - at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly, Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.” Another similarity is that they both address the same audience which is

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