
I Can Write Pablo Neruda

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“Tonight I can write” was distributed in 1924 in an accumulation of poems by Pablo Neruda. The poet Pablo Neruda was one of the legends in poetry. He was born at Chile in July 1904. Neruda in addition, was certificated for his high achievement in literature. Therefor he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. This poem ‘Tonight I Can Write’ is considered as one of the highest poems in love and spinning. The poem points a romantic tale from the basic captivation to the arrival of enthusiasm, lastly to a detachment. "Tonight I Can Write" the penultimate poem in the graceful succession, communicates the agony the speaker feels subsequent to losing his sweetheart. The mixed assumption reviews their enthusiastic relationship and his …show more content…

The stunned repetition Neruda utilizes all through the poem provides a topical solidarity. The speaker presents the primary detail of their relationship and focuses to a conceivable explanation behind its destruction when he concedes "sometimes she loved me too"(line 6). He then thinks back about being with her in "nights like this one"(line 7). The juxtaposition of evenings from the past with this night uncovers the change that has occurred, strengthening his feeling of loneliness. In this area, Neruda interfaces the speaker's significant other with nature, a procedure he will use all through the poem to depict the exotic way of their relationship. In the eighth line, the speaker kissed his affection "again and again under the unending sky"(line 8) — a sky as perpetual as, he had trusted, their relationship would be. A humorous inversion of line six happens in line nine when the speaker states, "She loved me, and sometimes I loved her too."(Line 9). The speaker might offer a negative explanation of the flighty way of affection now. In any case, the expressive, self-contradicting lines that take after propose that in this line he is attempting to separation himself from the memory of his affection for her thus facilitate his affliction. Promptly, in the following line he repudiates himself when he concedes, "How might one not …show more content…

First is alliteration, an example of alliteration is “longer and love” (Line 26). Another example is “soul and satisfied” (Line 30). Secondly is assonance, for example “How could one not have loved her great still eyes” (Line 10). Thirdly is simile, “And the verse falls to the soul like dew to the pasture”. (Line 14). The poet compares the fountains of verses to his soul by the call of the grassland to the water. The repetition of the line “Tonight I can write the saddest lines.” (Lines 1, 5 & 11). And that emphasize that the saddest lines are found in between our hands. In this poem there are fifteen stanzas and two lines. In each stanza there are two line. So, the total number of lines are thirty two lines. The theme of “Tonight I Can Write" is about memories of a lost love and the pain they can cause. Throughout the poem the speaker recalls the details of a relationship that is now

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