
Hypertension : Hypertension And Essential Hypertension Essay

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Hypertension is widely considered to be one of the most important risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (angina, arrhythmia, etc.). It is the second leading disease that causes mortality in the world. Hypertension is the condition when there is an increase in the force of blood on the walls of vessels. It can also be defined as an arterial blood pressure that is raised above 140/90 mm Hg (systolic/ diastolic BP). Hypertension can be classified into Secondary hypertension and Essential hypertension. When specific cause is evident but heredity, and various physiological parameters play a role in increasing blood pressure is known as Essential Hypertension. Secondary Hypertension is one where the cause is known. According to WHO guidelines between 2006 and 2015, deaths due to cardiovascular diseases are expected to increase by 17% while the deaths from infectious diseases, nutritional deficiencies, maternal and prenatal conditions are projected to decline by 3%. The main causes of hypertension includes the age ,hereditary, gender, extra weight, alcohol consumption, stress life, lazy life etc.
Basically, arterial blood pressure (BP) is directly proportional to the product of blood flow (cardiac output, CO) and the resistance to passage of blood through pre-capillary arterioles (peripheral vascular resistance, PVR) Hypertension can be caused by either an increase in Cardiac Output (CO) or by an increase in Peripheral Resistance (PR) BP = CO X PVR
Renin Angiotensin

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