
Hunger: The Most Pressing Issue That Affects People All Over The World

Decent Essays

Throughout the years, there have been many debates about the question “what is the most pressing issue that affects people all over the world?” Some people believe that the issue of hunger is the most dire one to address. Others believe that the treatment and curing of various diseases must be accomplished before other issues are considered. While all of the issues that are typically debated are important because each of them has a profound effect on the individuals suffering from them, I believe that the issue of poverty is the condition that needs to be addressed before any others. It is my opinion that the condition of poverty is the cause of many other issues that plague our world today. If the issue of poverty was addressed and resolved, many of the other challenges that people face would disappear. For example, people who live in poverty often do not have adequate nourishment, shelter, or …show more content…

When poverty is pervasive in an area, it affects everyone in that area. Poverty-stricken people often feel hopeless and believe that their situations will never improve. It is our duty to ensure that changes do take place for these individuals. The condition of poverty does not have to be a permanent one. No one should have to go to bed hungry because of poverty. No one should be denied adequate medical care because of poverty. No one should have to be homeless or live in poor conditions because of poverty. Poverty affects every society in which it exists. Because of this reality, it is vital to explore the solutions that will led to the end of poverty. It is then vital to put those solutions into action so that this horrible condition can be ended as soon as possible. This resolution will only lead to positive results for our entire world’s

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